Substance Abuse: The misuse of alcohol, drugs, or other substances can exacerbate mental health issues or lead to new ones. Substances like alcohol or drugs can be like two-sided swords. They might offer temporary relief, but they can also plunge us deeper into the shadows. Misusing these s...
What side is your liver on? What is filtered by the kidneys? Is the liver part of the excretory system? Which mesentery helps tether the stomach to the liver? What side is the liver on in the human body? What cleanses the kidneys? What are vestigial organs? What do the kidneys do in...
You can also tether your bags together for easier navigation through busy places and I’ve used it to fix a broken suitcase once! The built-in ID tag means anyone can contact you if things get lost and it’s an all-around safety net when handing your bag over to be out-of-sight ...
“Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace.” Most days, my attention is like an overstretched rubber band, snapping off wildly in every direction. Even after a quarter-century of regular meditative practice, I find myself with a toothbrush in hand when I mean to be sitting still with my...
The last confession is a good one: God and Jesus placed this call in my heart and my head and God and Jesus have not left me or taken that call away. That’s as good a reason as any why I’m still here. The love of God is as strong a tether as I know, and I am grateful...
If either manages to post 10% of their bond, they'll be required to turn in all firearms, cannot consume drugs or alcohol, and must wear a tether. Representing the Crumbleys are Defense Attorneys Shannon Smith and Mariell Lehman, who have previously represented figures such as Larry ...
Perimenopause is the pre-menopausal condition no-one talks about. Here's what it is, what symptoms you can expect and whether you could be suffering.
You *can* tether it (which will be required in 2yr, I think), but don't have to to use it safely. It has a locking mechanism built into it that secures it top and bottom better than any other seat. One model is rear-facing to 30#, which is considered much safer. On one of...
A few hours later, they’re back on the ship. The entire cast and crew of our expedition greets them. Someone pops open a bottle of bubbly apple juice to celebrate. (TheHorizon Arcticis an alcohol-free zone.) Everyone is giddy. Grown men hug each other with all their strength. Later...