Foot drop can be mild to severe, unilateral or bilateral. The first line of treatment often involves the use of ankle foot orthoses(AFO brace). Ankle foot orthoses, AFO for foot drop, are frequently prescribed to improve gait deviation and normalize walking patterns in patients with drop foot...
is healing itself but can't guarantee the foot will ever recover. I now have a foot brace which makes a huge difference. I can walk almost normally (but still use a stick for safety). I can even drive my manual car. Big worry for a while but now big relief. Even if I have to ...
C taper is nice for my 1I bc it's higher launching and spinning than my x7s which is a good combo for a 1I. I found the c taper to launch higher than x100 and spin to be similar. Overall a good pairing. If my swing is off it isn't coming out of the bag unless I need a...