Above all else, AI is an idea—an ideal—shaped by worldviews and sci-fi tropes as much as by math and computer science. Figuring out what we are talking about when we talk about AI will clarify many things. We won’t agree on them, but common ground on what AIiswould be a great ...
"From what I can tell, ChatGPT seems to be one of the most advanced natural language processing tools out there to date," Trust says. "There's something with this tool, with the simplicity of the user interface design, that anyone can log on and try it out. When you insert a prom...
While most courses in senior high school are compulsory, there is a tendency that an increasing number of schools are beginning to offer their students some courses that are optional, such as gardening, calligraphy, ball games club and so on...
Typical activities for students include: advanced academic courses (to get ahead of their studies), extra academic courses (to catch up with their studies), pre-college or university courses (to prepare for entry into undergraduate education), non-academic courses (to supplement their knowledge in...
新目标大学英语(第二版)视听说教程第2册 徐锦芳课后习题答案 新 目标大学英语 (第二版 )视 听说教程第2册徐锦芳课后习题答案 PoSSible AnSWerS / 1∙ Read the following quotes. DiSCUSS in PairS and Share With each Other your UnderStanding Of these quotes. The four quotes highlight the beauty and ...
Experts advise college applicants to challenge themselves in high school. But that doesn't mean a student's schedule needs to be filled with all honors,Advanced Placementor International Baccalaureate courses. Students can take an additional course subject outside of the standard requirements, for ins...
The main problems are improper curriculum designing and the lack of teaching facilities. I think our government should grant more money to buy advanced teaching facilities and universities should adjust their curriculum to meet the need of society.主要问题是课程设计不当和教学设施不足。我认为我国政府...
A good GPA is not always a black and white representation of your high school experience. Here we break down what’s behind that 4-point scale.
51. Why is the U.S. State Department launching an online learning program for refugees? A) To enable them to settle down in host countries. B) To allow them to learn as many job skills as possible. C) To offer them a platform to pursue advanced degrees. ...
In 1952, a pilot program was launched to address the widening gap between secondary and higher education and to grant students who excelled in high school “advanced placement” in college courses. This Advanced Placement (AP) program, administered by the College Board, caught on and has since...