Absurdity与悖论在逻辑上有着紧密的联系。悖论是指一个推理或陈述包含自相矛盾的观点或结论,而absurdity则往往是由悖论引发的极端不合理或荒谬的情况。在某种程度上,可以说absurdity是悖论的一种表现形式,它揭示了逻辑与现实的断裂,挑战了人们的认知边界。 Absurdity与幽默、讽刺的关系 Ab...
up as their guardians.It is so convenient to be immature! If I have a book to have understanding inplace of me, a spiritual adviser to have a conscience for me, a doctor to judgemy diet for me, and so on, I need not make any efforts at all. I need not think,so long as ...
For that the (spiritual) guardians of a people should themselves be immature is an absurdity that would insure the perpetuation of absurdities. But would a society of pastors, perhaps a church assembly or venerable presbytery (as those among the Dutch call themselves), not be justified in ...
particularly as it would be a fun full-circle moment to see him go from slasher victim in the original Friday the 13th to an iconic slasher, Richard Brake, who is often incredibly haunting in the indie horror genre sphere, or if they want to go in a more quippy direction as the later...
only a pathetic animal in self-imprisonment in an emotional model. Human beings survive in emotions, both pessimistic and impotent, and appear unbearably tragic in this absurdity of limited life. If man is heartless, he is characterized as a cold-blooded animal by the convention of his kind, ...
This “reduction to absurdity” can sometimes be a useful way of illustrating the weakness of a point. It can also be used to distract people from the content of a claim. However, a reductio ad absurdum usually starts with a solid point, rather than a mockery. Language & Humanities is ...
2-2 What is Englightenment An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment? (1784) IMMANUEL KANT Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one's understanding without guidance from another. This immaturity is self-imposed when its ...
“Absurdity, like any other genre, has its own rules. But, it implies everything that is outlying of common rules and boundaries,” Cheval says. “‘Absurdism’ is an attempt to understand our life the way it truly is.” “Melody of Rain” (2015), Michael Cheval Another modern take on...
If a metaphor is a matter of comparison, parallels, harmony, and creative and rich use of language, irony is a matter of contrast, disharmony and the critical and satiric use of language. Irony exists to expose some kind of lack, absurdity or incongruity of human nature, ideas, or language...
More Lynchean nonsense with a sense of humour...does there need to be more than that? Helpful•1 2 BigJimNoFool Apr 19, 2020 Permalink 1/10 WTF Laughing at this pointless waste of celluloid, not with it. This is the offspring of a kindergardener's rambling, made up short story &...