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The first thing is that since our model is supposed to describe everything in the universe, it must in particular include our observer. The observer must be an embedded part of the system—made up of the same atoms of space, and following the same rules, as everything else. A...
Above all else, AI is an idea—an ideal—shaped by worldviews and sci-fi tropes as much as by math and computer science. Figuring out what we are talking about when we talk about AI will clarify many things. We won’t agree on them, but common ground on what AIiswould be a great ...
Laboratory Investigation is available as both in print and online journal and is dedicated to the publication of original research that significantly advances the understanding of human and experimental disease including basic biology papers with a relevance to experimental or clinical aspects of disease....
Though the methods section of an abstract is necessarily short, the editors and reviewers need to know several things about the experimental design in addition to the types of protocols used. It is very helpful to reveal whether the experiments were carried out with human tissue, animals or ...
who were taught to focus on an image on a central computer screen. The images were just abstract shapes falling through space. Then a different abstract image was put up on one of two lateral screens, and the child's eye movements were tracked electronically to see how they quickly looked ...
* ROBERT ROSEN Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 355 (Received 3 November 1993; in revised f or m 24 January 1994) Abstract-The following work compares two different ways of fractionating or abstracting from an organism: (a) a Mendelian way...
4.According to the passage, the author may agree that ___.A.abstract concepts can block humans' is a combination of unsettled contradictionsC.humans should try to perfect their thoughts of beautyD.the appeal of art lies in its reflection of the best of man...
An example is “Raising children requires the same dedication you would give to a garden. Nurture them, feed them, introduce them to both light and dark, and have patience; and soon you will see them grow into blooming wonders.” In this example, a somewhat abstract and complicated topic—...
Abstract The study of sexual dimorphism in psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders is challenging due to the complex interplay of diverse biological, psychological, and social factors. Males are more susceptible to neurodevelopmental disorders including intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, and...