+ Why Should ∖∖ e apply the amplification in translation? ♦ What do ∖∖c USualIy add ∖∖ hen amplification is applied in translation? IEXPlore 2 SharPeningyOUrSkiMS TranSIation skill: AmPIifiCation (增译法) 所谓“增译”,就是“加词”,即根据英汉两 种语言不同的思 维方式、语言...
But here you have a character's attractiveness being referenced not as a liability in and of itself, but as an amplification of an already-existing tendency: the inability to turn away sexual attention. Don and Betty are two people who are starved for attention, and that would be true even...
What are the two methods that can be used to analyze the quality and specificity of amplification in a qPCR? What two methods can be used to analyze the quality and specificity of amplification in a qPCR? What are some potential economic benefits of main...
This is not an exhaustive list of helpful features of the problem; I would welcome other diagnoses of the project by other participants. With these two objectives in mind, I propose a format for the retrospective article consisting of a brief introduction to the polymath concept in general ...
The anthology is now in the process of being rolled out, with twelve of the twenty essays, including mine, public at this time of writing. As an experiment, I also asked GPT-4 itself to contribute an essay to the anthology from the same prompts (and playing the role of a research math...
This is a review of the issue of randomness in quantum mechanics, with special emphasis on its ambiguity; for example, randomness has different antipodal relationships to determinism, computability, and compressibility. Following a (Wittgensteinian) philosophical discussion of randomness in general, I ar...
● The concept of human intelligence amplification (IA) suggests that humans might augment their own cognitive abilities through technology [6, 13]. If humans merge with AI or gain significantly enhanced intelligence, the implications for our relationship with the natural world and other species are...
研究生期间写了一篇关于本书的essay,直接把英文贴上来吧。Sebastian Conrad has held the Chair of Modern History at the Free University of Berlin since 2010. Previously he taught modern history at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. In the 1990s, he studied twice in Japan as a ...
The fact that, reading this, you can think of multiple people about whom I could be talking only highlights the asymmetry of access to the public square, where money grants amplification that the rest of us will never experience, regardless of the quality of our ideas or how we articulate ...
As an experiment, I also asked GPT-4 itself to contribute an essay to the anthology from the same prompts (and playing the role of a research mathematician), then I gave it my own essay (which I wrote independently) and asked it both to rewrite its own essay in the style of my own...