What is habitat? Ambiguity in the use of technical jargonMario Di Bitetti
Ambiguity Definition and Legal Meaning On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning of Ambiguity, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used. Sorry, the video player failed to load.(Error Code: 101102) What is Ambiguity? n. a criminal law procedure ...
某甜品店生日蛋糕的每天订货量X为170,180,190,200,210,220,230,240,250,260盒的概率分布P(x)分别是0.11,0.18,0.24,0.13,0.10,0.08,0.06,0.04,0.04,0.02。每盒蛋糕的成本为150元,售价为每盒300元,当天为卖出的处理价为每盒60元。则最佳订货量是( )
This is a grave omission as it leaves non-expected utility models hanging on a shaky ground. In particular, it leaves unanswered basic questions such as: (1) Does Ambiguity exist?, (2) If so, which situations should be labeled as "ambiguous"?, (3) Why should one depart from Subjective...
一种是Structural ambiguity(结构歧义),即由句子结构引起的歧义,如Yesterday Jack saw Tom on his way to school;第三种是Metaphorical ambiguity(隐喻歧义),这一类句子歧义源于隐喻等修辞手段,如题中的句子可以理解为“There is a lion by the name of John”,也可以做非字面的解释,即“John is as brave as...
Is there a name for this ambiguity? It seems fairly common. I want to say "dangling participle", but I'm pretty sure that's wrong.Is this the equivalent of Grouch Marx's "I shot an elephant in my pajamas... how he got into my pajamas, I'll never know"?
What is the antecedent of "which" in the following sentence? "The door of the car, which is discontinued, broke." Is the "the door of the car" discontinued, or is "the car" discontinued? ambiguity antecedents Share Improve this question Follow asked Jan 17, 2019 at 19:36 Shaun Jackma...
Legal English is a version of English that lawyers and others who are involved with the legal profession use when discussing...
Exclamatory syntax: This is where sentences get emotional. “What a beautiful cat on the mat!” you’d exclaim, filled with admiration. What Is the Rule of Syntax? Syntax rules dictate how sentences should be constructed to ensure clarity and avoid ambiguity. The most basic rule is that a ...
葡萄胎清宫术后4个月,近2周出现阴道不规则流血,食欲减退、咳嗽、咳血丝痰3天,来院就诊。查作:体温37.5℃,血压12/9KPa,脉搏90次/分,妇科检查外阴阴道正常,宫体前倾前屈位,为孕50天大小,质软,可活动,双附件无异常。根据上述病史及检查,最需与下列哪种疾病相鉴别 ...