Now, Catholics attend mass to honor the holy day. What is Hallowmas? An older English term for All Saints’ Day is actually Allhallows or Hallowmas (shortened from the feast of Allhallowsmas, with hallow meaning “holy person; saint”). The name Hallowmas was first found in 1375–1425 in...
Do Catholics believe in the New Testament? What is a scapular? What is a priest in the Old Testament? What did Eusebius do for Christianity? What is the difference between a Baptist and a Catholic? What does the Bible say about theology?
All Saints’ Dayis a Christian holiday on November 1 in honor of all the saints. For Catholics, it’s often considered aholy day of obligationin which they are obligated to attend Mass (meaning that many Catholic school students know the day after Halloween as a day off from school). The...
It may surprise many modern-minded Catholics that to be “in communion” is a requirement for receiving communion. Those who willingly jeopardize innocent life, and freely allow the powerful to cooperate with the murder of the unborn are, sadly, not in communion with Christ’s Church. They may...
This is why Good Friday is a holy day for Catholics and they do not eat meat on this day. In fact they don’t eat meat on any Friday during lent. This is also why Easter is also a holy day of celebration because it signifies when Jesus rose from the dead. This is among the ...
So little of what one is threads itself through the eye of empty space faith,personal Against the Nashville Statement faith,links,medicine,music,personal Links for July 16, 2017 parenting,personal This Too Shall Pass criminal justice,politics ...
Historically Black Catholic Parish Has a Thriving Community: St. Augustine Parish in Washington, D.C. has been called the "mother church of black Catholics." But what really makes this parish special is the community that gathers here.
Purgatory is still a widely held Roman Catholic belief and Catholics are urged to pray for the souls in purgatory. The word purgatory is not used in the bible, however punishment that is temporary after death is mentioned. Jesus refers to people who refuse to forgive not being released until...
There is no hint at all, in the oldest writings available to us (or in later ones, for that matter), that “true believers” in the immediate post-apostolic years spoke of purgatory as a novel doctrine. They must have understood that the oral teaching of the apostles, what Catholics ...
This Edition of Blawg Review for lawyers who get up and do it every day. Let's start with three "non-virtual" friends of mine. Patrick Lamb, the Chicago business trial lawyer and law firm innovator who got me interested in blogging back in 2005, is a "trench lawyer" if there ever ...