Your AGI (adjusted gross income) is all of the income you bring in, minus certain adjustments, including IRA and self-employed retirement plan contributions, alimony payments (for divorce agreements prior to 2019), and one-half of any self-employment taxes paid. Your MAGI (mo...
We have spent $50,000 in legal fees and now COVID is likely spiking that higher with all the delays. What are your thoughts on a frivolous lawsuit counter. They clearly want money. Wendy July 30, 2020 at 9:51 am My ex husband of 27 years was ordered permanent alimony. After being ...
They hand picked Lanza and his Mother; they found out all about them through their databases, database for medicine he was on, database for his medical history and current status, database for divorce and alimony payments, database for her gun purchases, database for her filing to have him...
NY adopted legal abortion in 1970 and a handful of other states did too. Roe v Wade wasn’t decided until 1973 so obviously the tide was already turning beforehand and is still has a bigger percentage of Americans supporting than not supporting. Roe was assented using precedent cases s...
More in Marriage When Married Filing Separately Will Save You TaxesHow Should You and Your Spouse File Taxes? Married Filing Jointly vs Separately7 Tax Advantages of Getting MarriedFiling Taxes After a Divorce: Is Alimony Taxable?Gettin...
If you’re thinking about buying a home in 2018, November and December are the perfect time to “warm up” for the house hunt so you can hit the ground running in the new year. And whether you’re looking inAthens, GA, orAthens, NY, the prep work is relatively the same. ...