A DBA brands a company and, unlike an LLC, it doesn’t establish your business as a legal entity. Forming an LLC generally will shield your personal assets (in excess of any funds invested in your LLC) if the company is sued. A DBA is a nickname or alias used to brand and market...
WHOIS lookups allow doxxers to leverage the WHOIS service that anyone can use to learn information about the person who owns a domain on the internet. You can set your WHOIS information to be private; but if you forget, your name, address, phone number, and email address will be availab...
Think of a DBA name as an alias your company uses to promote an image or product that may not line up with your official title. Essentially, getting a DBA is like Clark Kent conducting his hero work under the name Superman. Depending on the state you're doing business in, DBAs can al...
Banking and Contracts: Many banks need a DBA name to open a business bank account under the business name. DBA can streamline contracts and transactions. It ensures consistency in the business name on all documents. Corporations and LLCs For corporations and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), a...
“I don’t believe in having the vendor finance your business. They’re not in the banking business; they’re in the jewelry business. Profit margins are so thin and everything is so flat and transparent in today’s world, you really have to buy and pay for the goods and repl...
Banking PrivilegesIf you're a sole proprietor, you can choose to open a business bank account with your DBA name. A DBA will allow you to receive and make payments using your preferred business name instead of your own name. This is ideal for business owners who want to separate their per...
In our blog we look at Python's __name__ variable. Is it just Python's cumbersome way of doing main()? We show how the simplicity of __name__ is valuable, particularly when in a module running an expensive, extensive calculation.
Steal your money and open credit card and bank accounts in your name Destroy your credit rating Request new account Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) or additional credit cards Make purchases on your behalf Add themselves or an alias that they control as an authorized user so it’s easier ...
In recent years, tokenization has been expanded to now also “mask” PII, PHI and banking information, especially pertaining to ACH account details. Examples of the type of data a tokenization system can secure include: A real name or alias, signature, or physical characteristics or description ...
FORMAT to FEDNOW or Real-Time Payments into CSV or XML. Create Multiple Templates. You can upload or "key data" into our software for File Creation of "Mandatory" general file. Use either the Routing Number and Account Number for your Customers or use "Alias" name via Mobile Cell Phone ...