Alexia is an acquired disorder resulting in the inability to read or comprehend written language.[1] The affected individuals remain capable of spelling and writing words and sentences but are unable to comprehend what was written by themselves.[1] This is differentiated from the mechanical inability...
2 [79] Vikram Voleti, Alexia Jolicoeur-Martineau, and Christopher Pal. MCVD: Masked Conditional Video Diffusion for Pre- diction, Generation, and Interpolation. In Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022. 1, 2, 6 [80] Carl Vondr...
Dyslexia is NOT: Caused by poor eyesight or hearing problems A Developmental Disability Acquired Alexia, Aphasia or Anomia – these are caused by some type of head injury (ie: stroke) A degenerative disease Lack of educational opportunity The result of a lack of effort or laziness on the part...
Alexia is a disorder in which patients lose the ability to recognize written words and sentences. Unlike other disorders, alexia...
Strokes affecting the posterior cerebral artery can affect the occipital cortex and cause alexia, which is an inability to read. Alternately, these strokes might affect visual learning, visual recognition or visual spatial orientation. Strokes involving the posterior cerebral artery might also affect the...