Muhammadmigrated to the city of Yathrib (subsequently called Medina) where he was joined by his followers. Later generations would count this event, known as the hijra, as the start of the Islamic era.
Of his13 wivesand concubines, only two bore him children: Khadija and Maria al-Qibtiyya. Muhammad's life is traditionally delineated by two epochs: pre-hijra Mecca, a city in western Arabia, from the year 570 to 622 CE, and post-hijra in Medina, from 622 until his death in 632. Why...
Conversely, gender is the set of roles, expectations, and scripts (generally called "norms") that we ascribe to different sexes. Gender is socially constructed—meaning that gender roles appear when humans live in groups—and can vary from culture to culture.4 Gender Roles Gender roles, despite...
In “the West”, Nietzsche was the last anti-mass-politics anti-populist thinker, the last of the old order (which stretched back to the Greeks and before). Somewhere else, Al-Hakim’s quote mentioned above is reveals a similar pre-modern understanding of the human condition. That is not ...
in West Africa. Scholars surmise that the area became an Islamic outpost at the time of the Hijra. Legend has it that an old woman named Buktu guarded the camp.The Place of BuktuorTim-Buktubecame a safe haven for the many merchants and traders supplying the architects ofGothic cathedralswi...
is a significant difference in the way Prophet Muhammad acted in Medina compared to the Meccan period. This is mostly attributed to the power balance, as the Muslims had little power in Mecca, which resulted in them enduring adversities, including verbal insults and physical torture while ...
Hijra, Mani, Rozek, Alban, a take-in, Novelia, Garamas, Asur, a gemot, Sisely, Libb, EdM, Clair, UNIDO, Robyn, novenae, Deluc, Idolah, seraphs, Lewak, Teak, Lectra, BSP, pilei, Susah, Komi, Tirzah, piles, a carfare, kanamono, nidudi, Lose, a smog, Landre, Flem, an ...