AAbbreviation AArtillery AArtery AFirst Substrate AAmphibian(aircraft type) AArterial Road(used with road numbers) AAt or Above(constrained altitude) AArterial blood ASpecific Absorption Coefficient AAirbus AAmplitude AAdjective AArgon ATotal Acidity ...
Let’s get the “AR” abbreviation settled first. Many shooters believe this to stand for “Assault Rifle.” While that is quite appropriate, the real term is “Armalite.” (The “15” is simply a model number). Development began on the AR-15 after a U.S. Continental Army Command (CO...
AKAlaska(US postal abbreviation) AKAcknowledge AKAnimal Kingdom(Disney World theme park) AKAuckland, New Zealand AKAlicia Keys(singer) AKArbeitskreis(German: Working Party) AKAcknowledgment AKAss Kisser AKActinic Keratosis AKAsahi Kasei(manufacturer; various locations) ...
Biodiversity is an attribute of a site or area that consists of the variety within and among biotic communities, whether influenced by humans or not, at any spatial scale from microsites and habitat patches to the entire biosphere.[26] :745 Biodiversity (an abbreviation of biological diversity)...
Note. X-axes represent log10-transformed weighted visual demand scores (indicated by the ‘lg’ abbreviation). PG corresponds to the peripheral graphic weighted visual demand score, while CG corresponds to the central graphic weighted visual demand score. This figure illustrates the double-dissociation...
Human emmissivity at millimeter wavelengths even allows some measure of passive detection through walls, 152 though weapons detection through clothing is most developed. [159] [160] Many through-the-wall radars simply detect gross motion, a frequent state of awake humans. Raytheon’s Enhanced ...
Goal orientation is generally recognized as a central feature of health care and PCC, and patient-centered goal setting should be aimed at multiple dimensions of an older person’s life [25,26,27]. Goals are here understood as a desired future state of affairs towards which effort and resourc...
The TC meaning is "Take Care". The TC abbreviation has 1639 different full form. TC Full Forms Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Share Take Care Texting, Chat, Email, Forum, Computing, Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Online, Im, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Business & Finance, Governmental & ...
Anecdotally, we note that some nurseries are providing free meals to the most deprived 2 years old from within their own budget, but this micro-level solution is neither testable nor scalable. 5.1. Implications for Policy The improvement of school food through national or state nutritional ...
Pregnancy is a physiological state of a woman’s body that necessitates the induction and the maintenance of tolerance to the allogeneic fetus. During pregnancy, a systemic increase in the number of maternal Treg cells takes place, which is necessary to maintain tolerance to paternal antigens [12...