Overall, the future of AIGC is very promising. As AI technology continues to develop, AIGC will become more powerful and versatile, and we can only imagine the new possibilities that it will unlock. However, it is important to be aware of the potential ethical concerns associated with AIGC,...
同年12月全球首幅AIGC画作《未完·待续》拍卖以110万元落槌成交,这幅画作是对民国才女陆小曼未尽稿的续画,通过深度学习陆小曼作品的山水画元素,AI完成了续画、上色、生产诗词等环节。 一时间,AI绘画火爆各个社交平台,抖音上各种AI绘画特效引发全民创作的狂欢,如果说AI绘画还只是AI技术小试牛刀 ,那AIGC的出现和...
虚拟偶像AYAYI、虚拟品牌代言人“花西子”、美妆数字达人柳叶熙、新华社AI合成主播-新小浩…技术新潮下数字人层出不穷。 但,普通人能有自己的数字分身吗? ▲ 虚拟数字人 为了探究普通用户做数字人的可行性,淘宝设计内容生态小组专门成立了AIGC小组,挑选了一位素人美女同事作为...
The AI Editor is a revolutionary tool designed to rescue and enhance unsatisfactory photos, making them usable and of high quality. With its advanced AI capabilities, this feature provides a suite of targeted solutions for improving image clarity, fixing blurs, and removing unwanted reflections. ...
The AI Editor is a revolutionary tool designed to rescue and enhance unsatisfactory photos, making them usable and of high quality. With its advanced AI capabilities, this feature provides a suite of targeted solutions for improving image clarity, fixing blurs, and removing unwanted reflections. Whe...
The Azure AI Speech service supports OpenAI text to speech voices. For more information, see What are OpenAI text to speech voices?. The custom voice API is available for creating and managing professional and personal custom neural voice models. Release notes Choose a service or resource SDK CL...
吴恩达 -AI for Everyone人工智能通识-01 What is AI, 视频播放量 152、弹幕量 0、点赞数 2、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 12、转发人数 2, 视频作者 IT科技小熊, 作者简介 ,相关视频:360周鸿祎《2024大模型应用场景元年》全程演讲,ai眼中的智斗类作品,瓴羊“ALL in ONE”数
Know what does AIGC stand for? All the full form of AIGC with all definitions and meanings. Where is AIGC used for and AIGC meaning from the acronym and abbreviation dictionary
Looking for online definition of AIGC or what AIGC stands for? AIGC is listed in the World's most authoritative dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms
Defender for Cloud is enhancing the Data security dashboard to include AI Security with the new Data and AI security dashboard in Preview. The dashboard provides a centralized platform to monitor and manage data and AI resources, along with their associated risks and protection status. ...