Organizations can be agile using many of the available frameworks available such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean, Extreme Programming (XP) and etc. The Scrum Umbrella What is Agile? The Agile movement proposes alternatives to traditional project management. Agile approaches are typically used in software ...
Kanban is a subsect of the Agile methodology and functions within the broader Agile mentality. The Agile philosophy is all about adaptive planning, early delivery, and continuous improvement—all of which Kanban can support. When comparing Kanban vs Scrum, it's important to note that both are Ag...
Kanban and scrum are agile project management methodologies that can be used for similar purposes, but each has its unique pros and cons. As a project manager, it’s important to understand the difference between kanban and scrum so you can determine the best approach for your team. So, whic...
The originalAgile Manifestodidn't prescribe two-week iterations or an ideal team size. It simply laid out a set of core values that put people first. The way you and your team live those values today – whether you do scrum by the book, or blend elements of kanban and XP – is entire...
The originalAgile Manifestodidn't prescribe two-week iterations or an ideal team size. It simply laid out a set of core values that put people first. The way you and your team live those values today – whether you do scrum by the book, or blend elements of kanban and XP – is entire...
What the scrumban method does is take the prescriptive nature of scrum, which resides in an agile framework, and uses the process of continuous improvement that is key to kanban. This gives teams the power to continuallyoptimize their processes. ...
Kanban is a visual workflow management tool that helps teams streamline their work & improve productivity. Learn more about its principles through this blog.
Scrum vs. Kanban The most important difference between Kanban and Scrum is that the former is a method, while the latter is a framework. As anAgile methodology, Kanbanbuilds a continuous delivery model where teams release value as soon as they are ready, while Scrum organizes work in Sprints...
What is Agile Methodologies? 我们经常被问到这个问题:什么是敏捷方法论 (Methodologies)?很简单,敏捷是IT行业用来描述项目管理的替代方法的炒作词。 敏捷是一个过程,可以帮助团队快速,不可预测地响应他们在项目中收到的反馈。它为在开发周期中评估项目方向创造了机会。团队在常规会议中评估项目,称为冲刺或迭代。
What is Best, Scrum or Kanban?TechWell Contributor