What is an affordance - Jones - 2003 () Citation Context ...nvironment” (Chemero, 2003).sGibson defined an affordance of an object as “a specificscombination of the properties in its substance and itsssurfaces taken with reference to an animal” (Gibson,s1977; =-=Jones, 2003-=-)....
Don Norman’s theory is that the more visible something is, the more likely a user sees and interacts with it. Interaction designers must balance visibility prioritization based on user needs and business goals.A typical example of visibility is prioritizing navigation links on mobile devices. What...
have for the teacher a particular affordance. Thus, a teacher perceives not a bare scene which needs to be interpreted, but a landscape of affordances which relate to their current concerns, and moving from one affordance to the next is what produces the intuitive, skilful coping that often ...
Affordance theory is only now starting to account forcultural diversityin the ways in which designed objects shape practices and experiences. The studies we have reviewed show tableware influences how we eat. Size, shape, weight, colour and aesthetics all play a part in our experience of eating....
The Use and Misuse of the Concept of Affordance Given the lack of agreement on the phenomenological elements of affordance, it is difficult to conduct empirical research to test systematic observations across contexts (e.g., industrial design and interaction design). To address this p... L ...
limited research has investigated how the attributes of GenAI shape students’ sustained usage intentions. Grounded in the Heuristic-Systematic Model and Means-End-Chain Theory, this study conducted an online survey of university students in mainland China through random sampling (time1,n = 823;...
360-degree video records a spherical view and allows the viewer to manipulate what is viewable. We incorporated 360-degree video into a teaching mathematic
Community has for so long now been so fundamental a focus of my research, much of it systematised under the head of social positioning theory. Community—by which I understand a social totality of relationally organised human persons and other entities—is a basic unit, or the ground, of al...
Flow theory Flow is a state of mind in which people find themselves extremely devoted to their current activity. Flow theory was first proposed by Csikszentmihalyi (1975) to explain how complete engagement in an activity induces a special mental state in which the level of concentration allows the...
Relation between Chance Discovery and Black Swan Awareness: From the Viewpoint of Abduction and Affordance Summary: We have been researching for chance discovery more than 10 years. The aim of chance discovery is discover something, but chance discovery is rathe... A Abe - International Conference...