What is the synonym of tribe? "Tribe" has a few different synonyms that may be used. Tribes can also be called "ethnic groups", a "people", a "race", a "clan", and in some cases, a "nation". The Cherokee people The Lakota clan Navajo Nation What is the simple definition of...
How Is PCOS Diagnosed? Diagnosing PCOS can sometimes be difficult. This is because PCOS is a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning that before a PCOS diagnosis can be made, the possibility of other health conditions that can cause PCOS symptoms must be eliminated. A PCOS diagnos...
What is cognitive vs. constructivist learning theory? What is cognitive development in adolescence? What does cognitive science tell us about the learning environment? What is a cognitive component in psychology? What is cognitive heuristics? What are cognitive needs? What is cognitive load in psychol...
At its core , adilemmais a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives . More informally , it can mean ‘a difficult situation or problem’ (as in *the insolubledilemmaof adolescence* ). Some traditionalists object to this weakened use , but it...
Adolescence is a critical time for brain remodeling, particularly in the prefrontal cortex and its connections to the amygdala and hippocampus. Trauma during this period can derail the brain’s ability to integrate memories and develop a cohesive sense of self, reinforcing dissocia...
while adolescence is when we encounter both the sobering responsibility of free will and the agonising identity crisis brought about by the dilemma of the human condition—of whether or not we are meaningful beings. Adulthood, it follows, is the mature stage that humanity is now in a position ...
Whatisadolescence? Introduction ThewordadolescentisderivedfromtheLatinword‘adolescere’,meaningto‘growup’.Appropriatelyenough,thewordadolescent,isfirstrecordedinEnglishinaworkwrittenin1440,evenbeforethewordadult.Thedictionarymeaningofthewordadolescentis, ‘Ayoungpersonwhohasundergonepubertybutwhohasnotreachedfullmaturi...
How is ethnicity related to occupational inequality? Describe the personal, social, and sexual identity development during adolescence. What is pain according to identity theory? What is social attribution? How do multiple intelligences affect identity?
people and tell something about yourself, and your arousal level will be really high. For adolescents, the intensity of emotion around being evaluated is even more remarkable. Neural systems evolved to make those assessments—to be extra vigilant in adolescence with respect to: Am I valued here?
Eating disorder onset typically occurs in adolescence or young adulthood but is not limited to these life stages. There is no one distinct cause of eating disorders. Research has found a number of “genetic, biological, behavioral, psychological, and social factors” that can increase the risk of...