Gap insurance only pays out if the total loss claim is approved and the settlement you receive for your vehicle doesn’t cover your outstanding loan amount. If another driver was at fault, gap insurance can cover the difference between their insurance company’s settlement offer and the outstandi...
If you total a leased car, gap insurance is especially beneficial when the car's ACV is lower than what you owe. However, if you own your car outright, gap insurance is unnecessary. Instead, consider increasing your current coverage limits for optimal protection against a total loss. Does a...
Once a leased car is declared a total loss, the insurance company will determine the actual cash value (ACV) of the vehicle at the time of the accident. This represents the fair market value of the car, taking into account factors such as mileage, condition, and depreciation. It’s import...
Beware of weight-loss scams online One embarrassed reader wrote to me that she got snookered when she ordered Keto ACV gummies, which are supposed to allow you to lose an enormous amount of weight in a very short period — without exercising or dieting! (ACV stands fo...
Your car's AVC is $25,000, but the at-fault driver has only $10,000 of property liability coverage. That driver's insurer will pay only $10,000 toward your total loss settlement. The only way for you to get the remaining $15,000 of your car's ACV would be from your own ...