To date, China has established intellectual property cooperation relationships with more than 50 partner countries and international organizations, whose goal is to create an innovation and business environment in which the value of knowledge is duly respected. “数字丝绸之路”建设亮点纷呈。共建国家加强数...
Making small talk is a way to start a conversation with a stranger when meeting for the first time. It isn't easy to make small talk with people. You don't know. Sitting by yourself and saying nothing at a party is rude. Making small talk is necessary to build business relations. Mak...
There will be no end-of-the-program test. However, you have to hand in a full report. You are sure to improve your ability to overcome difficulties and lead others to achieve goals. (19)The program will start on the first day of July and last 12 days. If you like, you can use ...
Grammarisveryimportantbecauseitimprovesthequality(质量)ofyourwriting. Tip: 4 Thefirsttime,lookforgeneralmistakesandthesecondtimelookformistakes withthegrammarpointyouarestudyingatthemoment. ●Justdoit! Thebestwaytoimproveyourwritingistogetapenandpaperandwrite.Bepreparedtowrite severalversions(版本)ofeachtext....
Generative design optimizes materials use by suggesting structures that achieve the desired strength and functionality using the least amount of material possible. Real-world applications of generative design Generative design in action Edera Safety ...
Program Aprogramis a set of related projects, that need to be executed simultaneously to achieve the goals of an organization. In these cases, project managers are in charge of each project and report to a program manager, a project management professional who specializes in program management. ...
concept, which is the opposite ofimperative programming. It is a programming approach in which coders writecodethat describes what they want to do and what results they want to achieve, rather than how they will achieve the results. It is the job of the program'scompilerto figure out the ...
What Is Problem Solving? Discover the essentials of effective problem solving with this blog. Learn the key concepts, techniques, and best practices for solving complex problems in any field.
So, what exactly is high-quality development? And what are China's plans to achieve it? QUALITY OVER QUANTITY High-quality development means a change from merely seeking growth to seeking better growth and seeking quality over quantity.
Government assistance programs are in great demand when there is high unemployment or low wages. Learn what’s available, how to qualify, and where to apply.