A noun or pronoun is in the “Accusative Case” when it receives the action of a transitive verb, or when it serves as the object of a preposition. Another term for “Accusative” is ‘Objective.” A noun or pronoun is in theDative Casewhen it is used as an indirect object. Ex.Oma ...
Case (legal) A legal proceeding, lawsuit. Case (grammar) A specific inflection of a word (particularly a noun, pronoun, or adjective) depending on its function in the sentence. The accusative case canonically indicates a direct object. Latin has six cases, and remnants of a seventh. Case Gr...
My suitcase is stowed in the luggage rack. Case Any of the forms of a noun, adjective, or pronoun that express the semantic relation of the word to other words in the sentence The accusative case Suitcase To trade using samples in a suitcase. Case A container designed to hold or protect...
What Is an Apposition? What Is the Accusative Case? What Is the Nominative Case? What Is an Endocentric? What Is a Nominative Absolute? Discussion Comments By allenJo — On Mar 17, 2012 @Mammmood - I’ve seen some of those misplaced constructions too and sometimes they can lead to unin...
What is the accusative case used for in Latin? The accusative case is the case for the direct object of transitive verbs, the internal object of any verb (but frequently with intransitive verbs), for expressions indicating the extent of space or the duration of time, and for the object of...
[Old Englishēow,dative and accusative ofgēye1; related to Old Saxoneu,Old High Germaniu,Gothicizwis] Usage: See atme1 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Nominative: The naming case; used for subjects. Genitive: The possession case; used to indicate ownership. Accusative: Thedirect objectcase; used to indicate direct receivers of an action. What is the nominative case used for in Latin?
Exodus 16:16 tn The word “number” is an accusative that defines more precisely how much was to be gathered (see GKC 374 §118.h). Exodus 16:16 tn Traditionally “souls.” Exodus 16:16 tn Heb“will take.” Exodus 16:16 tn“lives” has been supplied. Exodus 16:16 in all English...
Although English is a Germanic language, we have only two cases for nouns and three for pronouns. Be careful, though, our objective case is not exactly the same as German's objective case.Answer and Explanation: The objective case, also called the accusative case, in English only applies to...
The key factor in this proposal is a revised analysis of the Romance lexical item (LI) for (i) definite articles – linked to a constituent containing not only features of definiteness but also lower indefinite features and higher nominative/accusative case features – and (ii) the genitive ...