The findings are that the learners in this area understand sexual abstinence as the decision not to have sex, and this was associated with prevention of HIV, STIs and unwanted pregnancies, which ensures a better future. Barriers to sexual abstinence include peer pressure, myths and wrong ...
Ambiguous definitions concerning which behaviors constitute sex, abstinence, and virginity may lead to arbitrary interpretations of meaning or miscommunication, which could be particularly problematic in health care, educational, and research contexts. The purpose of this study was to examine and compare ...
Respondents who reported family as their source of abstinence education had a sexual debut of 6months later than those who did not. Females who reported family as their source of birth control education began having sex more than 7months later than those who reported other sources. Disaggregation...
Sexual abstinence, mutual monogamy with a non-infected sex partner, and sexual intercourse with the consistent, proper use of a latex condom are ways to avoid contracting and transmitting STDs through sexual intercourse. If one uses IV drugs, it is important to not share injecting equipment. If...
Early resumption of sex after voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV prevention within a programmatic delivery setting in Botswana To maximize the public health benefits of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) in real-world settings, sexual abstinence is recommended for six weeks... J Pinty...
BACKGROUND: Many school-based abstinence-only sex education curricula state that sexual activity outside of marriage is likely to have harmful psychological effects. Recent advances in neuroscience have expanded our understanding of the neural underpinnings of romantic love, marriage, sexual desire, and...
Parents were the least reported source of sex education for all four ethnic groups, with the majority of respondents reporting school as their source of sex education. Respondents who reported family as their source of abstinence education had a sexual debut of 6 months later than those who did...
All but four states and virtually every large school district support the provision of AIDS education, and backing for instruction about sexually transmitted diseases and about abstinence is nearly as widespread. Fewer states and districts (two-thirds and four-fifths, respectively) require or encourage...
the national newsletter and web site ( that is written by teens for teens about sex pregnancy condoms birth control sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and relationships. (excerpt)关键词: Critique Adolescents Sex Education Secondary Schools Educational Methods Abstinence Safer Sex ...
Latex condoms effectively prevent pregnancies and most sexually transmitted diseases or infections (STIs), with method-failure rates between 0.5% and 7%, but with user-failure rates between 12% and 70%. Total abstinence presumably has a method-failure rate of zero, but research on periodic ...