即通常所说的:“有do无to,无do有to”,本题中have nothing to say,知识点中的 do指的是do本身,题目中的to say是实义动词的不定式形式,所以这句话按照无do处理,but后的不定式必带to,故C错误,答案:C错误,将C的do改为to do。
A "ticker" is the short letter code associated with a given ETF—a ticker would look like "ABCD," for example. These tickers are how trade orders are communicated to exchanges. To buy an ETF, keep its ticker handy and input it into your brokerage's trading function when you're ready ...
A.Nothing是Nothing( is in the fridge)的缩写.其他的都不行.ABCD的区别:Ⅰ先搞好意思:no one ph.1.没有人 nothing KK:[] DJ:[] pron.1.无事;无物;没什么 There is nothing on the table.桌上什么都没有.He knew a... 结果二 题目 --- What's in the fridge? --- .A.NothingB.NoneC.No...
【答案】ABCDC 【解析】(1)句意:作者认为朋友是一份礼物。从To me, it is a present I give to myself. 可知选A.(2)句意:友情能使我们开心,能头轻我们的痛苦,能持续长久。从Friendship doubles our joys and cuts down our sorrows.Friends are forever, and friendships never end.可知选D.(3)句意...
三四值得注意的是,公共英语(即英语期末考)中,每题的选项只有ABC三个选项;而学位英语考试是ABCD四个选项。这意味着学位英语对考生英语能力的要求更高,更全面。 国开学位英语学习资源 (开放云书院微信公众号) 第一步:扫描以下二维码下载安装开放云书院 APP。
A second power of ABCD is found in the local associations who should drive the community development process and leverage additional support and entitlements. These associations are the vehicles through which all a community's assets can be identified and then connected to another in ways that ...
家对于我来说就像水对于鱼 是不是有个什么WHAT ...IS TO ...,.IS TO .具体点的.谢谢! what i to my family is what water to fish 27162 【英语】关于“A is to B what C is to D”句型 不,is是固定的.不是从句把,反正就是固定句型,就这么用的.我觉得是并列句.算是介词把 .ABCD都应该是名...
ABCD A. In terms of disposal: (full-text translation, abridged translation, adapted translation.)这个选项指的是翻译的处理方式,包括全文翻译、节译(abridged translation)和改编翻译(adapted translation),因此A选项是正确的。B. In terms of languages.这个选项暗示了翻译涉及的语言种类,如从一种语言翻译为另一...
1. 分析:本句是一个强调句,强调句型的结构是“It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其他部分”。 2. 分析:whether...or not...意为“是否...”,是固定搭配。 3. 分析:本句是一个主语从句,应该用it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句。 4. 分析:本句语法结构正确,没有错误。 5. 分析:本句中,it...
怎么记住abcd 制定单词每日背诵计划 也可采用吃瓜式教学 在网络上收集学习的帖子 在娱乐中记住单词 点击翻开看看它们是什么意思叭 (图片来源于网络,如有侵权请联系删除) 同学们 来看看你们认识它们吗? assiduous刻苦的,坚持不懈的 eligible有资格的,合格的;合意的 ...