What Abbreviations and Acronyms Do You Know? Posted by: Josef Essberger Is NASA an abbreviation or an acronym? Anabbreviationis something like “Dr” or “Dr.” for “Doctor”, or “Ltd” or “Ltd.” for “Limited”. Anacronymis made from the First Letters of other words, for example ...
If the answer is no, you may have trouble with some Latin abbreviations, such as i.e., e.g., or et al. Let’s focus on one of these: et al. You may have seen it, but it’s time to find out what et al. means and how to use it. Et al. is an abbreviation for et alia...
When you come across an unfamiliar abbreviation in a text, it can be confusing. Imagine getting a text message full of acronyms you’ve never seen before—you might find yourself googling those acronyms to figure out what your friend is talking about. I.e. and e.g., two commonly confused...
Acronyms, contractions, etc.—you can’t go far without seeing an abbreviation in text. Learn the types of abbreviations that can be used in your writing and tips for when to avoid them.What are Abbreviations? An abbreviation is a shortened version of a word or a collection of words. ...
An acronym is a specialized form of abbreviation, created by taking the first letters of a phrase and forming a new word out of them. NASA, for example, stands for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. In contrast, an acrostic is a creative way to convey a message using a tex...
Abbreviation vs. an acronymBoth acronyms and abbreviations are shortened forms of another word, which makes it confusing when trying to make a distinction between the two. For example, "Dr." is an abbreviation of "Doctor" and both forms are pronounced the same way. An acronym is a shortened...
Unlikewith, it’s not common to leave out the backslash when you abbreviatewithout, even in internet slang and texting shorthand. The medical abbreviation forwithoutis different, however. It’s common to see doctors write a lowercase S with a bar on top, which comes from the Latin, “sine...
Why Acronyms Are Important (Reason 1) Don't use the word "acronym" when you mean abbreviation e.g. (Latin forexempli gratia) Mr. Jones and Prof. Smith (Mister and Professor) (These are a type of abbreviation called acontraction.) ...
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An acronym is an abbreviation, usually created from the first letters of a phrase. Acronyms are widely used in technology and the computer industry. Acronyms are largely used in the areas of internet, network protocols, routing, switching protocols and technology products. ...