A mule is the offspring of a male donkey (jack) and a female horse, while a jackass is another term for a male donkey.
What are the male gametes in flowers?Answer and Explanation:The pollen grain contains the male gamete which is also known as the sperm cell. The pollen grain is a delivery mechansm; once it germinates the sperm cells can fertilize the egg....
A colt is a young male horse under four years, while a foal is a horse of either gender less than one year old.
What is the gestation period of a donkey? What animal has the longest pregnancy? What is the gestation period of a rat? What is the gestation period of a chicken? What animal is pregnant the longest? What is a squirrel's gestation period like? How long do they carry the fetus and how...
And a Jackass So a jackass is an irritating human, right? Well, a male donkey is called ajackand a female is ajennyor ajennet. Hence, a jack-ass (or jackass) is a male donkey. Next! So what’s the difference between a vulture and a buzzard. Ah, that is another matter… ...
WHAT IS A “FEMALE SLAVE”? CONTEXT AND COMPARISON ---— 38 —the eved (עבד), the primary term taken to refer to a male slave in biblical and post-biblical texts, given that they do not appear to share a common etymology with the latter (or with each other)? There has ...
What is a filly? This is just one of several words used to describe a horse's age and gender. The word is used to differentiate between a young male and female horse. All baby horses are called foals, but a filly or filly foal means that the foal is female. ...
The Covenant Setting - This is what Moses said to all of Israel in the Transjordanian wilderness, the arid rift valley opposite Suph, between Paran
Physical Description: An entrancingly beautiful young woman, usually wearing a white or green dress. Some legends say they have cloven feet that they conceal beneath long, flowing dresses. How The Creature Is Born: Only women who have been bitten by a baobhan sith can become one. Men who...
Is it not enough that you weary human beings? Must you also weary my God? 14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign;[at] the young woman, pregnant and about to bear a son, shall name him Emmanuel. 15 Curds and honey[au] he will eat so that he may learn to reject ...