This paradox is accounted for by the potency of the placebo effect in the history of medicine. The disapproval of the placebo effect developed mainly with the start of controlled drug studies in the 1950s.doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-9706-0_5Ian E. Wickramasekera...
Threat theory is when people perceive an out-group as a threat to their way of life. So when vegans try to influence the meat-eating majority, it’s seen as a threat to their traditions and customs. It doesn’t matter how veganism is presented or how non-threatening vegans come across....
The third goal of this chapter is tentatively to suggest some procedures to quantify these subject dimensions and these situational conditions. The present model (Wickramasekera, 1979, 1980b,d, 1983) is based on clinical observations in an increasingly specialized clinical practice, theoretical ...