What is a wave? p739 Most people assume that a wave, being central to all the phenomena we observe, has a uniform definition. But defining this basic concept isn't so easy. doi:10.1038/44453 Full Text | PDF (66K)Top of page Book Reviews Giants' footprints in the greenhouse p741 The...
28、lecules.Theactualsizesofatomsliebetweenabout1/5000and1/2000thewave-lengthofyellowlight.Thecomparisonissignificant,becausethewave-lengthroughlyindicatesthedimensionsofthesmallestgrainstillrecognizableinthemicroscope.Thusitwillbeseenthatsuchagrainstillcontainsthousandsofmillionsofatoms.Now,whyareatoms 29、sosmall?
An EM wave is also a transverse wave. EM waves have an electric and a magnetic component that are both perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. Unlike many other types of waves, EM waves require no matter to be present for propagation. EM waves move at the speed of light and ...
The combination of objects in the pairing creates a unique gravitational wave pattern. Despite this, the generation mechanism for this class of gravitational waves is the same no matter the source. Known as "inspiral" this process occurs over millions of years as the dense objects revolve ...
When you make a call, your phone generates a radio wave signal which it throws to the nearest cell tower. If you're far from service, your phone will expend more battery power to send a higher amplitude signal ...
We point out here that three possible roads to approach the nature of gravity can be taken in future. The first one is the coming observations of gravitational waves from both ground-borne and space-borne gravitational-wave detectors. A system involving either black hole or neutron star has ...
What Are Fast Radio Bursts or FRBs and How Do We Find More? What Are Stellar-Mass and Intermediate-Mass Black Holes? What Are Some Objects That Challenge the Definition of Pulsars? What Have We Learned From Neutron Stars Interacting With Their Environment?
Are you a chronic early riser? Observational astronomy often means late nights and early mornings as daylight lengths get longer for northern hemisphere residents in February through March. But this year offers another delight for the early morning crowd, as the Venus is hanging out in the dawn ...
That speed is a constant, and at the time, most physicists thought of light as a pure wave. (We know now it can be a particle, too). Finally, in 1905, Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity posited that light always travels at the same speed no matter where it is observed ...
To eventually become a neutron star, this white dwarf would have to exceed what is known as theChandrasekhar limit, which is generally considered to be 1.4solar masses , according toThe SAO Encyclopedia of Astronomy. That means that the core of the sun alone would have to have 1.4 times ...