I am also familiar with the novels, definitely not a "lost cause". I am curious if they are doing some things out of order or if they plan on going back to any of the events prior. Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki, not much of an MMO or game anime fan TBH. This series howev...
imdb Kaede, also known by her character name “Maple” in the VRMMO New World Online, barely knows anything about video games. She only got it in the first place because her competitive gamer friend Risa/”Sally” wanted to play it with her as a fun bonding...
James Donovan Halliday (1972-2039) is the side character and tech industry businessman in the backstory of Ready Player One. He was the creator of OASIS, a
我不会告诉你们一个人完成14w MU→_→ VRMMO翼 没有借助任何队友=w=求各种超越。 --来自诺基亚1050客户端 BG7FBI 6-14 23 上海 福州 台北 super big field~~ 杀戮§13 加上利用绿军不知明计划完成了昨天没做成的 上海金华 杭州的跨海field ^O^ ATREASUC created a Control Field @梅林lllkk (...