What is a DBA? Most Profitable Small Business Ideas What Is a Registered Agent? How to Conduct a Trademark Search What is the Divorce Process? How to Find Out if a Business Name is Taken? What is an Affidavit? What is a Prenuptial Agreement?
More individuals are experiencing the tremendous benefits that a hospice provider can offer when a loved one is facing death. And a growing number of medical professionals are experiencing firsthand the challenges and rewards of providing high-quality end-of-life care. For many healthcare workers,...
When a deceased beneficiary’s trust inheritance passes to her estate, it’s subject to probate. The property is eventually distributed to her beneficiaries – the ones she’s named in her will. If she doesn’t leave a will, it passes to her closest kin according to state law. In either...
The life of being a sold-out heart to the lover of our souls - the super and the natural, the mundane and the plain, the miraculous and amazing. I can't wait to see what He does next.
What is interesting is that common law marriages are only recognized in nine states, but they can impact all states. For example, let's say a couple has entered into a common law marriage in Texas. That couple moves to Arkansas, which does not recognize common law marriages. Due to the ...
when I awoke the coastal fog had drifted in and brought its chill with it. Yet another time, I was alone in my parents’ home around Christmas time. I was playing a rendition ofO Holy Nightwhen I can only describe what was clearly a visitation of the Holy Spirit that I will never ...
Here is a collection of wisdom from Yogi Bhajan. There is nothing outside of us... Your soul... Infinity in our projection... Talk from your heart... When you want to be successful and very convincing... You have fashions and faculties in your mind... sa
I was wondering all day if it was a visitation dream & when I got home from work, I walked into the kitchen & there was a single white feather on the floor right in front of me. I have been feeling very emotional since (not in a bad way) & think this may be a sign to ...
When a loved one is ill or dies, housework (understandably) gets put on the back burner. Realistically, that often continues for weeks or months as a person grieves. Immediately following a loss, friends and family often stop by the house and, for some, it can be a big source of stress...
As a result, when medical professionals see such fractures in children, they may report the injury to child protection authorities. It is important to note that these fractures in children can be the result of many causes other than physical abuse, however; the bones of children are delicate,...