For monitoring and communication purposes, different UV action spectra have been developed. These spectra use different weighting functions. The action spectrum for erythemal dose is the most widely used one. This erythemal dose per time or dose-rate has been further simplified into a "UV index"....
The concept is a recent one, it originated in 1994. Many businesses now implement 3BL reporting; indeed the Dow Jones Sustainability Index of leading industries is based on it. News-clip: ‘Triple bottom line – the three Ps: profit, people and planet. The phrase “the triple bottom line...
Updated: May 23, 2024 Views: 7,676 Share A UV map is a map which provides information about levels of ultraviolet light. UV maps can be used in a number of different ways, and they can be tremendously useful. It is often possible to find such maps at websites which handle weather ...
and then toggle it open/closed with a “more info” link. Hiding all the gory server data keeps things clean, simple, and focused on the IP address. Then if the user wants to know more, “click” – there it is. This chunk of JavaScript should be placed ...
Refraction is the phenomenon of light in which when light is allowed to pass through the transparent object then the light got refracted from its path as the object will be having a different refractive index.If the light enters from a region of less refractive index to the region of the ...
data and gives you the UV index in real time, as well asA. Wear a hat or sunglasses that theysends messages to your phone advising you to wear a hatneed.or sunglasses.B. Calculate how much UV light theySpire is a device worn as a clip on your clothes thattake in.measures breathing ...
The next update of ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App, Mobile App, and Community Analyst is planned for June 26, 2024. Below are the planned updates. Please note that all planned updates are subject to change; please check back to stay apprised of the latest news. Our What'...
01/13/01 Facelift complete: For better or for worse, dpFWIW has a colorful new look intended to enhance readability. Thanks for all the feedback. Most has been positive, but the minority opinion (that light text on a dark background is tiring to the eye) has been duly noted. 01/07/...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the effects of Grenelle I and Grenelle II laws on financial performance, social performance, and risk-taking in France. The study is focussed on SBF120 (The SBF120 index consists of the 120 largest capitalizations listed on the French Stock Exchange market...
special lighting angle, the price is high. 6. The key to different quality of life is life span, and life is determined by light. Light failure, long life, long life, high price. 7. The luminous body of the LED chip LED is a chip, with different chips, the price is very different...