A urinalysis is a test of your urine. A urinalysis is used to detect and manage a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease
A urine drug test, orurinalysis, is a common way to find out if someone has recently used illegal drugs. You may need to take a urine test for an employer, sports team, or other reasons. What Is a Urine Drug Test? After you take drugs, your body gets rid of the chemicals in ...
It is most commonly conducted as part of a routine urinalysis, in which levels of other compounds in the urine will be tested as well. This test does not cause any pain for the patient; she or he simply has to provide a urine sample for the lab technician. One reason to conduct a ...
This is a test to make sure you do not have abnormal changes on your cervix. You may need other tests, such as a urine test to make sure you are not pregnant. Your provider will ask if you take any medicines and if you smoke. Smoking increases your risk for stroke, heart attack, ...
What Are the Uses of Urinalysis for Diabetes? What is a Hair Sample Drug Test? What are Male Urinary Tract Infections? What Is Urine Therapy? What are Poppies? How can I Prepare for a Drug Test at Work? What is Dehydration? Discussion Comments ...
Blood testsmay show a TB infection and how well your organs are working. A sputum sampleis tested for the germ that causes TB. It can also help healthcare providers choose the best treatment for you. Mucus from your lungs is collected in a cup when you cough. You may need to give 3...
What are urine tests for diabetes? Urine tests are tests performed in a clinical laboratory or at home using self-test kits and a sample of the patient's urine. Urine tests can be performed for a variety of reasons, but in people with diabetes, they are most commonly used to look for ...
Letter and Clarification: What to Do After a Urine Drug Test Shows Evidence of Illicit Drug UseTwo recent issues of Topics in Pain Management (TPM) (November and December 2009; vol. 25, nos. 4 and 5) included articles about urine drug testing-what it can tell physicia...
Impact of Urine Specific Gravity on Your Health Aurinespecific gravity test is used to test for diagnosing many health conditions, primarily central diabetes insipidus and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Both health conditions cause your body to signal excessive thirst, resulting in more urination. ...
Why is it useful to determine the specific gravity of a urine sample? Summarize the clinical implications of the chemical analysis of urine. A. Explain the overall importance of urinalysis. B. Identify the 11 parameters measured ...