An Undergraduate Degree is an Associate’s or Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited online college, public or private university. Unlike a Graduate Degree, an Undergrad Degree is more common with an extensive range of programs from business administration, psychology, computer science to nursing. Did...
So, before we can look at other specific terms, one first needs to learn what does an undergraduate mean and how does it differ from graduate studies? An undergraduate degree is one that takes place after your post-secondary education (high school) and includes 2-year Associate degrees and ...
本科生 【答案】: undergraduate student 109 .义务教育 【答案】: compulsory education 110 .希望工程 【答案】: Project Hope 111 .成人高等教育 【答案】: adult education of higher learning 112 .在职培训计划 【答案】: on-the-job training program 113 .函授课程 【答案】: correspondence courses 114 ...
"they know that undergraduate institutions can struggle with ensuring that students develop that skill set at a high level at their institutions because it's really difficult to do," he says. "when it comes to teaching and learning, it's really easy to teach the sort of factual knowledge ...
What is an Honorary Doctorate? What is a PhD? What is a Bachelor's Degree? Discussion Comments Bypopcorn— On May 13, 2011 How do you feel about the quality of academic degrees that are now being offered online? While diploma mills have a bad reputation, there are many notable schools,...
What do you mean undergraduate? :a student at a college or university who has not received a first and especially a bachelor's degree. Other Words from undergraduate Example Sentences Learn More About undergraduate. What is the highest degree?
A bachelor's degree is an undergraduate academic degree. The way students earn a bachelor's degree differs by country; for example...
What Is a Bachelor’s Degree? A bachelor’s degree is a four-year undergraduate degree program where students study a specific subject. Upon completing the program, students have the skills needed to work in related career fields. Bachelor’s programs are the most common degrees among the four...
What is a Graduate Degree? We can’t define the difference between graduate and undergraduate degrees without first answering the question, “what is a graduate degree?” Like the undergraduate degree, a graduate degree is a form of higher education. However, it is a more advanced academic degr...
A postgraduate student is anyone who is studying a course that requires an undergraduate degree as part of the entry requirements. Find out what's involved.