A separated shoulder is an injury to the ligament holding the collarbone, or clavicle, and the shoulder blade, called the scapula, together. The two, as well as the arm bone, are held together by the acromioclavicular (AC) joint. The clavicle and scapula form the socket into which the ...
What is the outermost edge of the spine of the shoulder blade? A、 deltoid B、 acromion C、 spine D、 cranium 点击查看答案
Don’t take your shoulder for granted. It’s a versatile body part that allows an amazing range of motion. Click through the WebMD slideshow to find out what can go wrong with it.
There is a limit to the size that a Bodybuilder Model and its associated *.mp file can be. The limit on the length of the total combined model script
Shoulder offset: The vertical distance from the center of the glenohumeral joint to the marker on the acromion clavicular joint. Some researchers have used the (anterior/posterior girth)/2 to establish a guideline for the parameter. Elbow width: The distance between the medial and lateral epicond...
What is the socket-like area of the os coxae bone of the pelvis called?What bone articulates with the acromion process?The head of the femur articulates with the what of the hip bone?a. What type of bone is the radius - long, short, flat, or irregular? b. Which kind of skeleton...
What bone is the "collarbone"?Collarbone FracturesThe collarbone is one of the more commonly broken bones. Any time someone falls with their arms out in front of them, is hit in the shoulder, or falls on the shoulder, there is a chance that the collarbone will be broken, as these ...
(now invalid), this shoulder blade is from the giant herbivorous dinosaurBrachiosaurus, a replica of which is mounted in this room. The dinosaur that owned this scapula was over 65 feet long and could tower 45 feet above the ground. When collected by Jim Jensen at Dry Mesa...
Most settings for Nexus 2.x can be found in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Nexus2.x\Configurations. This includes, but is not limited to, pipelines, view options and monitors. A few exceptions include: Model Templates; These can be found here: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Nexus2.x\...
The patella is known as a ___ type of bone. (a) short. (b) long. (c) sesmoid. (d) fixed. (e) flat. Which of the following shoulder ligaments is located between the greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus: a. transverse humeral b. coracoacromial c. co...