Bits of Twizzler strung across the run support a Fruit Roll-Up tarp roof. The nest boxes, Jelly Belly eggs on one side, a chicken on the other, its rear end authentically pointed towards the door. Here’s the back side of the coop, the side that would be up against the house or ...
Location scouts forThe White Lotusknew what they were doing when they chose to film part of the third season of the highly acclaimed HBO series atFour Seasons Resort Koh Samui. Cloistered in a hillside jungle on the northwest tip of the Thai island, this 70-key resort is a rattan-and-tea...
Sport of Endorsement Bombing gains traction on LinkedIn Amy’s Baking Company: the most epic social media fail EVER Join My Webinar: “Why Google+ Matters to Your Business & How to Use it Wisely” – May 9, 4 PM EDT A brilliant promotion for a new book about how the Internet is ...
It is definitely a Halloween tradition of ours to let the kids make a few crazy treats each Halloween. Last year, we made witch cupcakes, that was before I started blogging. Maybe I’ll upload a round-up of old Halloween pics? That would be fun! Regardless, here is what we made tonig...
Well, hello there, Junk Food Nation! It’s me, Eric, your friendly neighborhood Junk Food Guy. I read over the “About Me” section I wrote almost four years ago, and figured I’d give it a quick update. The rest of it is still all true. ...
Here is what listeners had to say ... Erin: Kit Kat or Reese's Pam: Almond Joy Linda: Twizzler's Lori: Twixx Sandy: Reese's Andrew: Reese's Dorothy: Reese's Kimmy: Mounds Alexandra: Mary Janes Beth: M&M's Brian: Chocolate Covered Peanuts Michele...
Twizzler's worth, maybe four. Biting into a piece definitely gives about the same satisfaction as biting into multiple Twizzlers but is a little softer and less thick overall. Maybe it's the lack of airtube in the middle, which sadly means I can't make double use of them as a straw....