keep my edge (stay sharp)保持最好的状态 反义词:lose your edge 例句:I have to speak English every day just in order to keep my edge.(为了我英语一直好下去,我不得不每天念。) David Beckham is a great soccer player but if he doesn’t practice every day, he’ll lose his edge. (...
He loves writing and telling his stories, and not only about firearms, but he also writes for a number of travel websites. Home»Blog»What is a Military Challenge Coin? (2023 Guide)
week.Thatisonehourbetween8p.m.and9p.m.onFriday,SaturdayandSundaymostweeks. LiZhanguohastwochildrenaged4and8.Eventhoughtheydonothavesmartphones,they enjoyplayingonlinegames.Likemanyotherparents,Liishappywithnewgovernmentrules.But expertssayitisunclearifsuchpoliciescanhelppreventaddictiontoonlinegames.Childrenmi...
Every line consists of two clearly separated half lines between which is a pause, called a caesura, which in Latin means a cutting, a break or pause in a line of poetry; ②In addition to alliteration, the scop used a kind of figurative language in order to add beauty to ordinary ...
6.What is the girl going to do? A.Visit some cities. B.Travel with Mike. C.Stay at home. 请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题。 7.Where did the boy get hurt? A.At his house. B.At Julia's house. C.On his way to school. 8.What will the woman do first? A.Take the boy to ...
1. To travel speedily. 2. To travel at a specified rate: We made good time getting to town. 3. Slang To make progress toward attracting someone: tried to make time with the new neighbor. make tracks Slang To move or leave in a hurry. make up (one's) mind To decide between alter...
See more about Discovery of Terracotta Army in 1974, Who found the Terracotta Warriors? 4. The Terracotta Army is a part of Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum. Though the Terracotta Army consists of 3 large burial pits surrounding the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum, according to historical records, it’s ...
Related: From 300,000 to a Few Hundred: The Collapse of Afghanistan’s Army "With ISIS, you also have an untold number of foreign fighters that survived Baghouz," says Colin Clarke, senior research fellow at private intelligence firm The Soufan Center, referring the battle for the Islamic ...
Within a month, you can camp at a single location for no more than 14 days. You can use those days in bulk or camp for a couple of days at a time at the exact location – as long as the total number of days camped is not over 14. ...
Promotional Items used as a handout or give-away are always appreciated by the recipient and your logo or advertising message is there for repeated exposure to your clients or potential customers. Promotional Items and other promotional items like them are used by small companies and huge corporati...