Transcendentalism is a philosophical and social movement that emphasizes the inherent goodness of all nature and humanity and the belief that people can find truth through their own intuition and imagination. People are at their best when they are most self-reliant and independent. Alyssa Roat...
The second-most important transcendentalist, Thoreau was a friend of Emerson’s who is best known for his bookWalden.Waldenis focused onthe benefits of individualism, simple living and close contact with and observation of nature.Thoreau also frequently opposed the government and its actions, most ...
___ is an appealing fictional version of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s belief that “the wrong doing of one generation lives into the successive ones” and that evil will come out of evil though it may t... A. The Marble Faun B. The House of Seven Gables C. The Blithedale Romance D....
“Though it be dark” has a different meaning than “even when it is not shining.” If you are underground at noon, the sun is shining, but you are in the dark. The sentence about God is the second line, and not the third. I had been pretty confident that this would be the case...
memory;ifheconferlittle,hehadneedhaveapresentwit:andifhereadlittle,hehadneedhavemuchcunning,toseem toknow,thathedothnot.Historiesmakemenwise;poets witty;themathematicssubtile;naturalphilosophydeep;moral grave;logicandrhetoricabletocontend.Abeuntstudiain mores.Nay,thereisnostondorimpedimentinthewit,but maybe...
I.Emerson’sLifeII.Emerson’sLiteraryPosition:Ⅲ.Emerson’sLiteraryworks:Ⅳ.Emerson’sPhilosophyastheLeadingNewEnglandTranscendentalist:Ⅴ.Emerson’sInfluenceonAmericanLiteratureandCulture I.Emerson’sLife RalphWaldoEmerson(1803-1882)wasthedescendantofalonglineofNewEngland...