所以我们要选择稳健的策略,并且参数要在比较平缓的区域内选择(如图中画圈部分)。 策略的评价(Evaluation of a trading system) 在评价一个交易系统时,不能只看收益一个指标,要结合多个指标来进行全面的评价。常用的指标有平均单笔收益、胜率、盈利因子(平均单笔盈利/平均单笔亏损)、回撤、平均持仓时间及RINA index。
A trading plan creates a path that can help you make decisions through the market's highs and lows. Here's what you need to know to craft yours. Feed your brain. Fund your future. Subscribe now What is a trading plan? A trading plan is your strategy for tactically buying and selling...
What is a Trading Journal and How Does it Work? So, if a trading journal isn’t just about jotting down random thoughts about your life, what exactly is it? Well, it can be a tool used to track and analyze your trading data. The end goal is to help you improve in the future. ...
value, which is also known as time value. An option’s premium is the combination of its intrinsic value and time value. Intrinsic value is the in-the-money amount of an options contract, which, for a call option, is the amount above the strike price that the stock is trading. ...
Trade Name A trade name is the official name under which an individual as asole proprietoror a company chooses to do business. A trade name is commonly known as a doing business as (DBA) name. Registering a trade name legally is an important step in branding for a company, but it doesn...
A trading account is a type of account that is set up to help the account holder trade stocks or securities. In most cases, a...
what has been done be what have i got what what have you done me what i care is that w what i do on my own t what i give tonight j what i gotta be what i know what i need to hear n what i smile say what i thought was a what i want featuring what i would give to what...
Options trading is one of the most lucrative ways to trade in the markets. Here’s how options work, the benefits and risks and how to start trading options.
In addition to hours of the major world financial markets, there are smaller secondary markets for such things as options and commodities. Hours are usually very similar to the major markets but trading sessions may vary based on location and which type of security is being traded. You should ...
交易服务器的英文名称是 “Trading Server”。 交易服务器的英文名称主要是“Trading Server”。 (图片来源网络,侵删) 交易服务器,作为金融市场不可或缺的一环,承担着执行交易、管理交易过程以及保持市场交易顺畅的重要职责,在金融交易领域内,这些服务器通常与交易平台系统连接,接收来自交易员或投资者的交易指令,并在...