Tradescantia. ... Umbrella Tree. ... ZZ Plant. With its lush, tropical looking, glossy leaves, the ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) also is tolerant of your brown thumbs. What is a koalas favorite tree? Koalas feed primarily on the leaves ofeucalyptus trees. One of the most important...
A variegated leaf is one that features at least one other color besides green. Yellow, cream and white are the most common colors found on variegated leaves, but many others are possible. The additional color may be focused around the leaf's edge or appear in veins, spots, stripes or ...
A genus consisting mostly of tropical perennial herbs (Commelina), having ephemeral flowers. Spiderwort An American endogenous plant (Tradescantia Virginica), with long linear leaves and ephemeral blue flowers. The name is sometimes extended to other species of the same genus. Dayflower Any plant of...
I ruminated on this the other day when a neighbor asked me to identify a new plant in her garden that had arrived without her help. I told her it wasSpiderwort(avoiding the rather unwieldy Latin Tradescantia), and her only question was: “Is it a weed?” ...
What is a Shoebutton? :an often black, glossy, and globe-shaped button used in fastening a shoe. How do you care for a Nanouk plant? Tradescantia Nanouk does well in bright, indirect sunlight or full sun. Water your Tradescantia Nanoukonce a weekor when the top inch of the soil is dr...
Be very careful not to injure the eyes because any injury will result in deformed leaves. I like to use my hands to gently clear away any debris from around my emerging hostas… and I have hundreds of hostas, so spring cleaning them is a major task and accidentally stepping on ...
Tradescantia is a genus of about 70 species of flowering perennial plants, most commonly called spiderworts. While tradescantia...
What are Whiteflies? What is Cleome? What is Grevillea? What is Brassia? What is Calceolaria? What is Dieffenbachia? What is Tradescantia? Discussion Comments WiseGeek, in your inbox Our latest articles, guides, and more, delivered daily. Subscribe...