A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design (such as a business name or logo) that identifies the source of a product or service and distinguishes a brand from its competitors. Trademarks give owners of the protection of their marks from other businesses in the U.S. using those mark...
Protecting a trademarkAlthough a trademark is issued for the life of a company or product, businesses must guard against phrases becoming generic. This typically happens over time, when people use a company’s product name to mean all products or processes like it....
Definition of a Trademark The term “trademark” includes any word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination of the above that is used by a person, or which a person has a true intention of using in commerce and applies to register on the principal registry established by this chapter...
Arbitrary Mark.This type of trademark consists of a word or several words that have their own meaning in everyday life. However, when a company uses them to name products or services, they are unrelated. For example, Apple sells famous electronics and is named after a fruit. The products t...
Protecting a trademarkAlthough a trademark is issued for the life of a company or product, businesses must guard against phrases becoming generic. This typically happens over time, when people use a company’s product name to mean all products or processes like it....
or developer of a product or service. They can be corporate logos, slogans, or the brand name of a product. Similar to a trademark, aservice markidentifies and distinguishes the source of a service rather than a physical product, although the term trademark is often used to refer to both ...
Sometimes a name is a trademark. Xerox is one example. The owner of a trademark has the exclusive right to use in commerce that symbol, or name or word, to promote its company and its products under the Lanham Act, which is the primary federal legislation concerning trademarks. However,...
A trademark is a type of intellectual property. Intellectual property is protected by local and federal laws. A trademark for a service is known as a service mark. For example, the word “Coca-Cola” is a trademark, as are “Coca-Cola” written in stylized script and the original curvy ...
Finally, it is important not to confuse a trademark assignment with a trademark license. A license ultimately reverts ownership of the mark back to the original owner after some designated period of time. If a contract is titled a trademark assignment but contains any reversible rights, it’s ...
A domain or domain name is what comes between the @ in your email address and the .com, .org, .net, etc. (For example, yourname@domain.com.) Domains help your customers find and remember where your business is located on the internet.