We also review the use of magnetic resonance imaging findings as an outcome measure in clinical trials assessing the efficacy of new therapeutic agents for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. More advanced applications of magnetic resonance imaging and their use in multiple sclerosis is addressed ...
Because of the extreme expenses involved, RCTs have primarily focused on industry-funded testing of efficacy for new therapeutic agents. However, even in this setting, the population assessed is frequently tightly focused and limited. Duration, dosing, and other critical components are frequently ...
6. Future Directions and Impact: Therapeutic Implications 6. Future Directions and Impact: Therapeutic Implications PRL signaling is complex, although it is clear that PRL could have an important impact on breasPt RcaLnsciegrnbaolinneg misectoamstapsleexs., Talhtheonuagtuhriatlispcroledaurctthiaotn...
3. The Many Roles of miRNAs in Cancer: Oncogenes, Tumour Suppressors, Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets In 2002, Calin et al. described for the first time that miRNA dysregulation could translate into the manifestation of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia [50]. After their discovery, researchers began...