A spiritual high point of Hajj for many is to stand on the plain of Arafat. Pilgrims pray at the site, praising God and asking for God’s forgiveness.对许多人来说,哈吉的精神高潮是站在阿拉法特平原上。朝圣者们在此祈祷,赞美上帝并请求上帝的宽恕。Other religious acts include performing “tawaf...
A spiritual highlight of Hajj for many is the standing on the plain of Arafat, where pilgrims praise God, plead for forgiveness and make supplications. Other rituals include performing “tawaf,” circumambulating, or circling the Kaaba in Mecca counterclockwise seven times. Muslims do not worshi...
There is a voluntary sunnah called Umrah which consists of tawaf, the run between Safa and Marwa and cutting/shaving of hair on the head. This sunnah is usually anytime during the year and it will only take a day or less to complete. It is a practice that has high rewards from ...
Thus the Eid is not an occasion to take a vacation from Islamic responsibilities and commitments or to waste time and money in extravagance. It is not "fun for the sake of fun". Rather, it is controlled and directed rejoicing that is of ultimate and definite benefit for the Muslim. The ...