DAME is a UK-based company that makes sustainable feminine care products. The brand has created a reusable tampon applicator, along with organic cotton tampons and more, aiming to reduce single-use plastics commonly found in these products. Teapigs Teapigs makes whole leaf tea and accessories. As...
So, they are primarily made from absorbent ingredients like purified cotton, rayon fibers, or a blend of both. Since a tampon is considered a medical device, our products are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). ...
Private Label Yoni Pearl Applicators Vagina Clean Point Tampon Yoni Detox Pearls Herbal Vaginal Applicator OPP Bag Reusable Chat with Supplier Transaction Info PriceUS $ 6.00-6.25/ PieceUS $ 0.02-0.15/ PieceUS $ 0.01-0.30/ PieceUS $ 0.02-0.15/ PieceUS $ 0.01-0.30...
It might be a good idea to bury these items in your pile. Just sayin'. 37. Cardboard tampon applicator 38. Latex condoms, as long as they're paraben- and chemical-free From the Laundry Room 39. Dryer lint 40. Old/stained cotton clothing — rip or cut it into smaller pieces 41....
vaginal wall, preventing leaks and capturing period blood. Unlike a pad or tampon, a menstrual cup does not absorb blood, it simply collects it. When it is time to change, reusable menstrual cups can be emptied, washed, and placed back in the vagina. Never reuse a disposable menstrual cup...
For example, period care and sexual wellness brand LOLA offers a range of plastic applicator tampons, cardboard applicator tampons, and non-applicator tampons in its tampon product category. This lets it market all three products when pitching tampons to distributors, which offers an advantage over...
There are 2 types of tampons: oneswith an applicatorand oneswithout. The applicator helps you insert the tampon, but both types have a string at one end that you pull to remove it. If the tampon is inserted correctly, you shouldn't feel it. If it feels uncomfortable, it might not be...
A recent study reveals that a potentially hazardous gas, radon, (also known as the silent killer) is present in approximately 40% of homes across Minnesota.
It might be a good idea to bury these items in your pile. Just sayin'. 37. Cardboard tampon applicator 38. Latex condoms, as long as they're paraben- and chemical-free From the Laundry Room 39. Dryer lint 40. Old/stained cotton clothing — rip or cut it into smaller pieces 41....
The applicator helps you insert the tampon, but both types have a string at one end that you pull to remove it. If the tampon is inserted correctly, you shouldn't feel it. If it feels uncomfortable, it might not be in the right position. Menstrual cups SHOP NOW Menstrual cups are ...