In a traditional tabletop RPG, players each take on the role of a character in a fantasy, modern day, or science fiction setting, and work together to complete a series of quests or missions. The game is usually led by a game manager (GM), who is responsible for creating the world and...
RPGs can be played in various formats including tabletop games, video games, or live-action role-playing. Modern video games have introduced many hybrid variants, broadening the genre. Regardless of format, immersive storytelling, interactive world, combat system, and character development are key el...
At this same time, tabletop and PC RPGs faced criticism on "moral" grounds for supposedly promoting Satanism. RPGs like Ultima tried to address this criticism by incorporating a positive main quest: to become a better person. Ultima's actions seem to have contributed to the growing popularity ...
Dungeons & Dragons is the world’s most popular tabletop roleplaying game. It is a cooperative, storytelling game where you and other players take on the roles of different characters within a story. As you play, your character will make friends and enemies, fight monsters, discover loot, and...
Dungeons & Dragons is the world’s most popular tabletop roleplaying game. It is a cooperative, storytelling game where you and other players take on the roles of different characters within a story. As you play, your character will make friends and enemies, fight monsters, discover loot, ...
But what characterizes the RPG genre? What is the history of RPG games, and what are their most important mechanics? Are there different types of RPG games? We will answer these and other questions in the following article! History of RPG – From Tabletop to Screen ...
Before MMOs, there were MUDs, or multi-user dungeons. During the 1970s, these primitive, multiplayer, text-based games ran on early internet servers. Most MUDs were role-playing games (RPGs) with mechanics similar to the tabletop gameDungeons & Dragons, so it's no surprise that the first...
NPC stands for “non-playable character” in gaming. It’s a term used in video games and tabletop gaming to distinguish between characters in a game that are controlled by the player and characters controlled entirely by the game (or by “the computer”). NPCs can range from characters tha...
An LCP file is a content pack for Lancer, a tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG). Players can import LCP files into COMP/CON, a web app used to build and manage Lancer characters and encounters. Importing an LCP file into COMP/CON allows a player to view and use the file's contents ...
What Is a VTT? As stated earlier, VTT stands for virtual tabletop, and it could simply be defined as a digital platform that simulates a tabletop for (typically dice-based)RPGs. This means that VTTs need some fundamental elements to be successfully described as VTTs: ...