Will adding a synonym map for similar terms, boost the search score of the search term that was present inside a synonym map since all the synonyms get matched?
To make both sides of the text straight extra spacing is added between each of the words.Note The last line of the paragraph is always left-aligned, as seen above.Tip The term "justify" is not a synonym for "align" or "alignment." These terms have different meanings. See the ...
This victim of definition reversal literally means “to use thoroughly,” and its first sense is that of careful steady or attentive reading. However, many writers (myself included) have employed it as a synonym forscan— enough writers, as a matter of fact, that its second sense is “to ...
Owning a car or house is a tangible form of ownership. 6 Can someone avoid accountability? Individuals might try, but actions and decisions usually have consequences that demand answerability. 6 What's a common synonym for accountability? Responsibility is a synonym often used interchangeably with ...
What Does Sodomising a Woman Mean: Sodomy and Consent Sodomy is contact between the genitals of one person or animal and the mouth or anus of another. In the United States, it is often used as a synonym for rape. Despite the recent repeal ofsodomy laws, many people still face charges ...
What is a synonym for drawing conclusions? To arrive at a judgment or opinion byreasoning.reason.conclude.deduce.infer. What is an example of a conclusion? For example, if you write a paper about zoo animals, each paragraph would probably be about one particular animal. In your conclusion, ...
The reason for the building's collapse is unknown. Excuse To explain (a fault or offense) in the hope of being forgiven or understood; try to justify He arrived late and excused his tardiness by blaming it on the traffic. Reason (Logic) A premise, usually the minor premise, of an argum...
To be a sign or symbol of “I think a lot of people who are drawn to witchcraft sometimes will get a tattoo, or mark themselves in some way todenotea rite of passage or an experience.” Verb ▲ To mark or show (information, etc) in written form ...
“I did not know that the governor and his cronies were attempting to use the process toextortmoney and favors in a brazen pay-to-play scheme.” Verb ▲ To draw out or bring out “The supplicant strives toextorta response from the sacred powers by the extravagance and extremity of his ...
What is a Machiavellian leader?Question:What is a Machiavellian leader?Machiavellian:The Renaissance writer Machiavelli is remembered for authoring the book "The Prince." Due to the influence of this book, his name has become adopted as a synonym for the actions he urged leaders to take.Answer...