It is hard to actually intimidate someone. When a woman is called intimidating, it might be because of the way she acts or carries herself. Being called intimidating is not a criticism. In fact,it's a compliment. How do you tell if a man is intimidated by you? In this article, we'l...
“I am not able to get a decent night's sleep on a bed that is asuncomfortableas this.” Adjective ▲ Causing or feeling pain or physical discomfort excruciating intolerable agonisingUK agonizingUS harsh torturous unbearable dreadful grievous ...
What is the noun for softest? Use ourSynonym Finder Nearby Words softest in the head soft feathers soft focus soft focuses soft-focus lens soft food softer sex softer in the head softer soften up on soften up soften the impact of
In theory, a democratic government is one that is controlled by the people. Citizen involvement is necessary to ensure fair governmental practice and equal rights. Philosophical disputes are tolerated and reconciliation requires compromise. A society that is built on democratic ideals recognizes the nece...
You've caught the cute guy in your biology class staring at you a couple times -- but he always looks away quickly. He hasn't tried to start a conversation and ignores you outside of class. You think he likes you but can't read his mixed signals. Unfortu
Managers manage a process they’ve seen before, and they react to the outside world, striving to make that process as fast and as cheap as possible. Leadership, on the other hand, is about creating a change that you believe in. My thesaurus says the best synonym for leadership is ...
Synonym ofplayable (drama)Deservingof aplay. playerish Characteristic of aplayer(one who plays the field rather than having a long-term sexual relationship). Examples: “A few scornful, sarcastic comebacks came to mind, but I kept itplayerish.” ...