施工单位拒不整改或者不停止施工的,工程监理单位应当及时向有关主管部门报告。某施工合同于2003年6月5日生效,该工程于2003年6月15日开工。施工单位为现场从事危险作业的工人办理了意外伤害保险。该保险合同于2003年6月10日生效,被保险工人于2003年7月20日进场施工。该意外伤害保险期限自( )起至该工程竣工验收合格...
For example, in California, if the victim was 14 or 15 years old and the defendant was at least 10 years older, the offense is a “wobbler.” It can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. It can carry up to a year in jail when charged as a misdemeanor. However, if the victim...
laws to be followed or punishments inflicted. The most common Biblical number is 7. According to Genesis, the Earth and everything in it was completed by God in six days, and the seventh day is reserved as the Day of Rest (or Completion). Seven is considered the number of perfect time;...
What is the opposite of has? Sentences with the word has Words that rhyme with has What is the past tense of has? What is the adjective for has? What is the noun for has? What is another word for hav? Translations for has Use ourSynonym Finder ...
potentially argue that a corporate strategy that saves a company a great deal of money could offset the problems associated with pollution that harms very few people to a very small degree. Critics of utilitarian theory would argue that no amount of good offsets any harm intentionally inflicted ...
Magnificent is a synonym of splendid. As adjectives the difference between splendid and magnificentis that splendid is possessing or displaying splendor; shining; very bright; as, a splendid sun while magnificent is grand, elegant or splendid in appearance. splendid English Adjective(en-adj) Possessin...
Affectionis a synonym ofpassion. As nouns the difference betweenpassionandaffection is thatpassionis any great, strong, powerful emotion, especially romantic love or hate whileaffectionis the act of affecting or acting upon. As verbs the difference betweenpassionandaffection ...
is tight like that, even with a lot of gain. Popularized by the late, great and hilariously foul-mouthed Big Brother Some are just the most logical description of something that is difficult to describe but most people understand the intent of these descriptions so they work reasonably well ...
1 :marked by self-satisfactionespecially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies : marked by complacency : self-satisfied a complacent smile. 2 : complaisant sense 1 complacent flattery. 3 : unconcerned. What is the synonym of harness?
Loving “disreputable little gaggle of pudwhacking throne-sniffers” so much probably makes me a bad person. But it’s closer to the literal truth than mass firings of probationary employees for “performance problems.” I suffer more from the humiliations inflicted by my country than from thos...