“Harry is aseasya person to get along with as you will come across in your lifetime.” Adjective ▲ Comparative for exploitable or vulnerable “To terrorize celebrities' parents because they areeasytargets is a low blow.” Adjective
What is another word forquixotic? Needsynonyms for quixotic? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ Having the desire to do idealistic deeds without pragmatism Existing only in the imagination Having or showing creativity or inventiveness ...
indulgent pampering Synonyms Indulgentis a synonym ofpampering. As an adjectiveindulgent is disposed or prone to indulge, humor, gratify, or give way to one's own or another's desires, etc, or to be compliant, lenient, or forbearing; showing or ready to show favor; favorable; indisposed to...
fastidious - 6 adjectives which are synonym of fastidious (sentence examples) 33 related questions found What is the synonym and antonym of fastidious? fastidious. Synonyms: critical, overnice, overrefined, censorious,punctillious, particular, squeamish, dainty. Antonyms: easy, indulgent, uncritical,...
Is altruism selfish or selfless? In an extreme case, altruism may becomea synonym of selflessness, which is the opposite of selfishness. The word "altruism" was popularized (and possibly coined) by the French philosopher Auguste Comte in French, as altruisme, for an antonym of egoism. ...
I’d just ask this: please stop using ‘working-class’ as a synonym for ‘uneducated’, ‘uneducatable’, and/or ‘unable to deal with complicated concepts’. Just stop it. It’s inaccurate, it’s condescending, and it’s really unhelpful both to feminism and to most everything else....
For a common understanding of richness, it is necessary to step back and reference the dictionary. Typically, the definition of rich includes words such asabundant,plentiful,intense, and of course,wealth. Entities associated with richness are described as indulgent or saturated, like savory foods, ...
Because I’ve watched money/salary become a proxy for respect, and then a synonym for respect, and then the only kind of respect that counts?...Because I have seen us torn apart by jealousy for what others our age have accomplished, rather than celebrating those accomplishments?...all in...
Another Janus word is the verbperuse. Since the Middle Ages,perusehas meant to read or examine, usually with great care:perusinga document means studying it carefully. Then a funny thing happened. Some people starting usingperuseas a synonym for "skim" or "scan" or "read quickly"—the opp...
After the events of September 11 2001, the self-indulgent hedonism of the "fun society" became a synonym in the German media for superficiality, commercialisation and Disneyfication; for what former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl referred to in 1995 as "theme park Germany". The peculiarly German ...