Of these two sentences, only the first one makes sense. We are only referring to a single basketball, so we need to use a singular pronoun likeitand not a plural pronoun likethey. When you are unsure about what kind of pronoun you need, think about what noun is being replaced and use...
there is a certaintype of adjectivethat isn’t too keen on the whole task of “describing” things. These adjectives are known aslimiting adjectives. Limiting adjectives are much more interested inrestrictinga noun or pronoun than describing something about it. But don’t worry. You ...
Comparative for of having a good-natured or casual personality “Harry is aseasya person to get along with as you will come across in your lifetime.” Adjective ▲ Comparative for exploitable or vulnerable “To terrorize celebrities' parents because they areeasytargets is a low blow.” ...
a snap See Also What is the opposite of a snap? Use our Synonym Finder Nearby Words a snap of as near as dammit as near as dammit to as near as makes no difference as neat as a new pin as necessary as naked as the day one was born a snack Asn as much use as a chocolate ...
295K What are synonyms and antonyms? Define synonym and antonym and learn their differences. Study how to use them in a literary form and their common examples. Related to this QuestionWhat are synonyms of introvert? What is an antonym for introvert? What is a synonym for mellow? What is...
What is a synonym for pair? What is a synonym for submissive? What is an adjective complement? What are antonyms for happy? What is the opposite of denotation? Is 'friendly' an adjective? What is the superlative form of the adjective different? What are the three forms of adjective complem...
Have you come across the word synonym and not been sure what it means? Or do you have somewhat of an idea of the definition but nothing specific enough to provide an example? If so, this post can help. So let’s get right to it: What is a synonym? The Me
A waybill refers to any of several types of documents used to convey details of cargo and destination during the shipping process. A waybill pouch is a transparent plastic re-sealable envelope that attaches to packages with an adhesive and protects the d
It also may be referred to as a program. Because of this, coding is often a synonym for programming, or the process of writing a computer program. However, sometimes a distinction is drawn between the actual writing of a code and broader programming tasks. Programs are written in codes ...
Most types of batiste fabric contain mercerized cotton, which is cotton yarn that textile producers have exposed to caustic alkali to produce a shiny effect. Batiste Shadow History of batiste Historians consider “batiste” to be a synonym of “cambric,” which was originally a linen fabric ...