What is the synonym of enamored? Words related to enamored captivated, enchanted, fascinated, hooked, attracted, bewitched, charmed, devoted, enraptured, entranced, fond of, gone on, infatuated, loving, smitten, taken, amorous, besotted, crazy about, dotty. Is Enroot a Scrabble word? Yes, en...
in a daze See Also Sentences with the word in a daze Use ourSynonym Finder Nearby Words
My go-to synonym resource presented me with 21 words that could act as substitutes for “save,” and a whopping 49 alternatives for “spend.” For every “sock away,” I had at least twice as many “invest” and “allocate” staring back at me. I was fascinated, although perhaps it ...
The poem describesthe excitement of a child who is fascinated by his own shadow. It also illustrates a child's imaginations and the pleasure children get in ordinary things. What is the main idea of the poem The shadow? Theme. The theme of the poem is toportray how a child gets excited...
A superlative adjective is formed from thepositiveformof an adjective, which is the initial form of an adjective you will find if you look one up inour fantastic dictionary. The adjectivessmart,kind, andsloware adjectives that are in the positive form, for example. The other form—the form ...
Is this a “Welcome All Zombies” sign? Or just evidence, once again, that punctuation matters. Or that “eating” isn’treallya synonym for “dining.” This sign is posted in the window of a burger joint in Washington, DC, and was contributed by Wayne Norman. ...
The Monkey was fascinated by the tourist's camera. 1 Ape Includes species like gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans. The bonobo is an Ape closely related to humans. 2 Monkey Often smaller than apes with a more quadrupedal movement. The Monkey scampered across the forest floor searching for fo...
Pilgrim children were fascinated by tongue twisters. Called "gliffes," this game was usually played in the English and Dutch languages. Here is a sample: "Dick drunk drink in a dish. Where's the dish Dick drunk drink in?" Old-fashioned riddles were also very popular and gave the children...
The catch 22 of the King's English is Artificial is simple a synonym, since Scot Adam Smith Moral Sentiment fiueldbook of 1758 for engineer-made; but there is no agreement on what intelligence is needed for millennials to continuing generaing life on earth. Its cetainly not IQ. Its cera...
Countering a tendency of 1990s scholarship to use “body” as a synonym for self while reducing it to sexual orientation or gender (both of which were sometimes further reduced to performance), I put a thousand years of writing about, caring for, and living in the body into the context of...