:in a drastic manner: severely or seriously The industry has changed drastically over the last 30 years. What is the best synonym for drastic? drastic forceful. harsh. radical. desperate. exorbitant. extravagant. immoderate. strong. Which is the closest synonym for the word stench? synonyms for...
What is the past tense of harsh? What is the adverb for harsh? What is the adjective for harsh? What is the noun for harsh? Translations for harsh Use ourSynonym Finder Nearby Words harsh call harsh conditions harsh criticism harsh depiction ...
Replacing words with their synonyms:The first and basic change that you can make to the text is to replace the words with their synonyms. Depending on the situation at hand, you may need to use simpler words for the synonymizing, or you could need to make them a little complex instead....
The definition of defenseless issomeone or something completely vulnerable that has no form of protection or no means of protection. A one-day-old infant is an example of someone who would be described as defenseless. adjective. Lacking defense; unable to defend oneself; open to attack; helpless...
If your friend continues to avoid you, you may need to cut ties with her. Ending your friendship is a drastic step to take, and should only happen if you know that your friend has no good reason to avoid you and is attempting to manipulate you with her actions. A friendship that is ...
However, Kuntze pointed out that Vandelli called the dragon tree Draco yucciformis, adding Dracaena as a synonym. Moreover, Linnaeus has included in the genus Dracaena several species, which were later transferred to Terminalis Medik., Dianella Lam. ex Juss and Liriope Lour. In conclusion Kuntze...
slmetatransform heaven and earth; bring about drastic changes; change the earth's features zhè shì yī chǎng gǎi tiān huàn dì de dòu zhēng 这是一场改天换地的斗争。 This is a struggle that could change the world. gǎi tiān huàn dì de qì gài ...
18, God really condemns one sort of sin: idolatrous divination, for the purpose of self-protection and manipulation of your environment. Most Christian parents haven’t seemed to catch on that Elsa from Frozen is actually a witch. Here God does not address the issue of anything else labeled...
The working class is most dedicated to the cause of the revolution. 3 v.change/alter completely; totally transform synonym gé xīn革新 4 n.revolution; drastic transformation; radical change jì shù gé mìng 技术革命 technological revolution ...
Banting's name passed into the language as a synonym for slimming but he himself was ridiculed and denounced as a charlatan. His method was never properly understood and was soon forgotten. To appreciate just how remarkable it was for Mr. Harvey to have designed this revolutionary and successful...