“So, how can you decrease the size of your carbon footprint and atthe same time reduce your contribution to other types of pollution?" Asynonym for “decreaseis“a.useb.reducec.occupyd.raise4. “You could also plant a tree and buy a solar water heater." In which ofthe following ...
What is a synonym for ascended? Elevated is a common synonym for ascended. 1 Does descended imply physical movement? Yes, descended often implies moving downward physically, like descending a staircase. What is a synonym for descended? Dropped is a common synonym for descended. Share Your Discove...
“A bomb expert is desperately trying todefusethe improvised explosive device.” Verb ▲ To neutralize or cancel by exerting an opposite and equal force Verb ▲ To decrease in size, amount, value, or degree Find more words! Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences withFind word...
Poisson Analyzer is a plugin developed based on the open-source Jieba analyzer and provides both word segmentation and synonym extension functions. Compared with Jieba, this plugin optimizes the multi-granularity word segmentation function and enhances non-login word identification and word segmentation ...
What is the closest synonym for the word curtail? curtail cut back. decrease. downsize. halt. reduce. shorten. slash. trim. Does inhibit mean stop? torestrain, hinder, arrest, or check (an action, impulse, etc.). to prohibit; forbid. Psychology. to consciously or unconsciously suppress or...
What's a synonym for "Maximum"? "Peak" or "apex" can be synonyms in certain contexts. 5 Is "Maximum" more quantitative? Often, yes. "Maximum" frequently has a quantitative connotation, indicating a definitive upper limit or value. 5 Can "Maximal" refer to potential? Yes, it can describ...
What is the opposite of disempower? Sentences with the word disempower Words that rhyme with disempower What is the past tense of disempower? What is the noun for disempower? Use ourSynonym Finder Nearby Words disempowered disempowering ...
As the term suggests, on-demand computing simply means making computing resources available to userson demand. The termcloud computingis often used as a synonym for on-demand computing when the services are provided by athird party-- such as acloud hostingorganization (also known as a cloud se...
Sometimes the term "heart disease" is incorrectly used as a synonym for coronary artery disease. Heart disease is synonymous with cardiac disease but not with cardiovascular disease, which is any disease of the heart or blood vessels. What Are the Early Warning Signs of Heart Disease? Signs and...
What is a repetitious? :characterized or marked by repetition especially: tediously repeating. Other Words from repetitious Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About repetitious. What is a synonym for stoic? Some common synonyms of stoic areapathetic, impassive, phlegmatic, and stolid. ...